Jamie Gane smiling and holding a trophy in his hands

How to keep motivated towards your goal

Struggling to keep motivated? Read Jamie’s inspirational story and practical tips to reach your goal.

How celebrating small wins can help

Life throws curveballs - we all know this and unfortunately, that’s the way that life can be sometimes. There will be days that feel overwhelming, filled with setbacks and frustrations.

These are the days when staying motivated and focused on your goals can seem nearly impossible. But what if I told you there's a secret weapon you can use to combat negativity and keep yourself moving forward? What is that weapon? It’s celebrating your small wins - the wins that you have already achieved!

The previous articles 'How to set achievable goals' and 'Why tracking progress can help overcome challenges' focused on how big goals are achieved through small steps and how even the smallest achievements can become big wins during challenging times. Here we look in more detail at the power of celebrating those small wins, especially on difficult days.

Jamie Gane jumping high in the air with arms and legs spread wide

The science of celebration

Extra happiness from a bit of reward? Yes please! The human brain is wired to seek pleasure and reward. When we accomplish something, no matter how small, our brains release a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine is often referred to as the ‘feel-good’ chemical, and for good reason. It plays a key role in motivation, learning, memory, and even movement. When we celebrate our wins, even the minor ones, we trigger the release of dopamine. This dopamine surge reinforces the positive behaviour that led to the win, making us more likely to repeat it in the future. Celebrating small wins is like giving your brain a high five – it tells you that you're on the right track and motivates you to keep going.

Jamie Gane smiling and holding a trophy in his hands

Shifting focus

For me, celebrating small wins was absolutely crucial during my journey to overcome amputation. After 14 years in a wheelchair due to chronic pain, the idea of walking again, let alone running or competing, seemed like a distant dream. But by focusing on the small victories – the first time I stood up after surgery, the first time I took a step with my prosthetic leg – I was able to stay motivated and keep moving forward.

When faced with a difficult day, it's easy to fall into a negative spiral, focusing on what's going wrong and what you haven't accomplished. Celebrating small wins helps you shift your focus. Instead of dwelling on the limitations of having a prosthetic leg, I acknowledged my progress, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement helped combat negativity and kept me feeling motivated.

Building momentum

Let's imagine you're pushing a heavy boulder up a mountain. It's slow, gruelling work. But every few feet, you stop and take a moment to acknowledge how far you've come. This acknowledgement, this celebration of the small progress, gives you the strength to keep pushing. If you’re on this mountain of improvement, it’s always worth taking a second to breathe in the beautiful scenery.

I know from my own experience when fighting for my amputation, I was so fixated on having the surgery that I had no appreciation for anything else. I was exhausted, demotivated and struggling. However, as soon as I lifted my head from the seemingly never-ending task, I appreciated how far I had come, which gave me the push to keep fighting.

Celebrating small wins works in a similar way. Each win, big or small, is a step forward. By acknowledging these steps, I built momentum and kept myself moving in the right direction, even on the most challenging days. Every step I took after my amputation, every time I pushed myself further in training, was a win I celebrated. And those celebrations, strung together, paved the way for me to achieve something I never thought possible – becoming the world number 1 ranked adaptive obstacle racer.

Practical takeaways

Here are some tips for incorporating small win celebrations into your daily routine:

Set achievable goals: Break down your larger goals (like becoming a world champion obstacle racer!) into smaller, more manageable daily or weekly goals. This makes achieving wins more frequent and keeps you motivated.

Track your progress: Use a journal, app, or even a simple checklist to track your daily wins. Seeing your accomplishments listed can be a powerful motivator, especially on tough days.

Take a moment to celebrate: Don't underestimate the power of a simple "high five" to yourself or a quick phone call to a supportive friend. Take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small.

Reward yourself: Set mini-milestones and reward yourself for reaching them. This could be anything from treating yourself to a coffee break to indulging in a relaxing hobby.

Making every day count

Remember, celebrating small wins isn't about arrogance or bragging. It's about acknowledging your hard work, effort, and progress. It's about building self-compassion and resilience. It's about reminding yourself that you are capable of achieving great things, one small win at a time.

So, the next time you're facing a difficult day, don't discount the power of celebrating your small wins. They might just be the key to keeping you motivated and moving forward on your journey towards your goals. After all, it was by celebrating those small wins that I went from a wheelchair to the world stage, proving that anything is possible with dedication and a positive mindset.

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